Bulbasaur has always been my favourite. Sure, there are many great designs (and cat Pokemon that I love too!) but Bulbasaur was my starter in my first Pokemon game and I really enjoy Ashs bulby in the show!
Yeah, they've been my favorite since they were released in Gen 5. I love their design a lot- legit just got a new glass terrarium of them for my desk this year
Flutter Mane. Mostly my favourites consist of a long list of ghost types with Arcanine being the main exception to that. Oh and Dawn Wings Necrozma is a close second for me
I don't think I can put my finger on it
Are you a fan of normal Raichu or Alolan Raichu though?
I wonder if I could get some kind of rocky terrain terrarium for an Absol figure...
Slowpoke is a close second. I just like its vibe.