Nerding out a bit here as Trials has a lot of sentimental value to me - I'd joined Bungie just before the first Trials weekend of Destiny 1, and playing 36 hours of 3v3 elim over that first 3-day weekend really solidified my love for the game.
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We still have more work to do over time for Trials, but it was refreshing.
While we all know 7 may not happen, just hopping in and getting rewards is what it's all about.
Much love folks. Thanks for playing. Wishing you all the best of luck out there for your games.
I played 2 games, got my Trials rep, but no standard rep. Then the next two games I did 🤷
Taking emphasis off the previous “all or nothing” approach is very welcome.
As a mostly solo player, reducing the impact of teammate roulette on your time invested vs rewards earned is very positive 1/2
Matchmaking & team composition algorithms could also still use a LOT of work, but overall the changes for Trials are very positive