I wonder if sometimes people forget that No.1 should also apply to your antagonist? Don’t have to be likeable but at least interesting and compelling. You might not agree with their motivation but it’s scarier if you understand it.
This is very helpful - I am currently on page 64 of a horror screenplay and happy to say I have hit most of these, but need to do better in the second draft 🍻
When you shared this originally (2020, I think), I left you a note asking permission to translate it and share it (with credit, obviously). I didn't get a response, but did it anyway. Hope you don't mind. Anyway, here's a Spanish version:
Great list. Footnote to number 7: Characters can put themselves in danger *if* their reasons for doing so make sense.
In Alien, Ripley is correct that Kane should not be returned to the ship. But Dallas and Ash overrule her, respectively to try and save Kane, and to keep the alien for study.
I love this for several reasons on my own. 1) I’m writing my first feature, which isn’t horror but it’s great knowledge. 2) I have an actual horror script I do want to write based on a novel I already wrote. 3) this will help shape scares, which I struggle with. 4) it’s just good info to have🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
It doesn’t necessarily need to be accurate, but follow whatever rules you establish.
Need to spell ‘em out, or show ‘em a spell.
In Alien, Ripley is correct that Kane should not be returned to the ship. But Dallas and Ash overrule her, respectively to try and save Kane, and to keep the alien for study.