Writersky is talking about writers and ages again, so it bears repeating: there is no expiration date on writers except for death. Up until your last day, you can be writing, you can be published, you can be produced, you can sell. There's no "Too late." Only you can decide when your done.
I mean no!
There is no #WriterSky
i needed that
And have notes for the two ones I'm going to write after that.
If that helps anyone.
Not often. Publishers want to sell good books, and that's it.
But I’ll probably put it off til the day after..
Jack Kirby was 44 when he co-created the Marvel Universe with Stan Lee in 1961. He had been working in comics for over 20 years by that point. If he had quit because he was getting "too old" we wouldn't have the Marvel Universe.