[Be it a familiar face or a stranger whose vibes that he found interesting- it seems like he wants you to join him on this lonesome night.]
[Be it a familiar face or a stranger whose vibes that he found interesting- it seems like he wants you to join him on this lonesome night.]
"Ah, Mr Viatorem. It certainly is curious to see you. From a fellow businessman to another, you have a very tantalizing pitch, but I am curious to how...thriving clientele numbers must be"
But... I must admit, I am a little out of my depth in Eorzea. Things back home were much more straightforward. I get by fine-
"Of course, sometimes it's best to watch the city at work, hm?" Taking a seat, he leaned back as he mused. "Different markets, I'm afraid. You're a known commodity back home, over here, you'll still get business-
So, what am I missing? Connections? Cultural insight? Or perhaps someone that knows the in's and out's of these-
Want a seat? [He motions to the empty chair.]