Yep, and I love making those "collages" too. But what about taking and drawing poses and people completely as you see them in a video or photo?...
I do that too!!! I tend to stay away from completely tracing photos but also who cares because it’s not like I’m making money off of it 😭 I think it’s definitely dubious for like, commissions. But if it’s just art you’re throwing on the internet fuck it go crazy
HOWEVER I do think it’s really important to credit photos if you’re getting them from an independent sex worker as opposed to, like, Pornhub. I’ve never done it before but if I traced from an OnlyFans photo or something I would definitely ask for permission first+credit them
Yep, ofc I never use it for comms!
Oh, I see your point. Well, most of the time I just see videos/pics on random twt accs-galleries/bots where it doesn't have any links to the original... So... :') But yeah, you're probably right, there's nothing wrong with me if I just learning anatomy with it
Oh yeah definitely, I’m not gonna lie my anatomy skills were severely stunted when I refused to use references. Seriously, I don’t use references super often anymore and I think it’s because I did it soooo much earlier on and it helped me learn SO much
Ahh thanks!! Yeah, I use refs sometimes too and I never considered it cheating, just... Meeeh, there are shitty days when everything you do feels wrong to you, huh ;')
Oh well, yeah, that makes sense x) I don't use CSP, but you're absolutely right. It doesn't always take away the slightly weird feeling, though... ahah x) ...Anxiety 💪💪💪👍
I never blame artists for that. But every time I'm about to use it for reference (that particular pose and angle) I feel horrible, like I'm not really allowed to do that... It's such a weird feeling
Та да... Але ж... Просто інколи хочеться повторити і позу, і ракурс, бо вони красиві, і я починаю переживати, шо це буквально перенесення лайв кадру у малюнок... :( Якщо це якийсь один нюанс, то ще куди на йшло. Але ж пози завжди парні, і там зі зміною чогось не дуже розженешся... анатомія, як ніяк
Та зазвичай приходить в голову ідея самого малюнку, а потім в голові прокручую які б пози підійшли для такої ідеї/динаміки, атмосфери. Але рефи завжди шукати доводиться, хоча б для того шоб зрозуміти як тут має рука вигинатись, де нога бути і тд, навіть якщо сама поза інакша зовсім
Та можна то можна, ніхто не заборонить... Але таке трошки паскудне відчуття всередині все рівно, знаєш :/ А ще більше страшно, що хтось вже юзнув цей реф і є вірогідність, шо десь є схожий арт (особливо, якщо про 18+ фото говорити, а не відео)
Карочі тривожність як завжди на місці 👍👍👍
I think I've already checked out almost all of these resources, haha x) Thanks so much!
Yeah, it's a really stupid accusation, but I see it so often that it really scares me... 💀 Like, mb I'm the one who's not good at this?? lol /j
Absolutely. Who the heck says no or shames otherwise 😠 people need to stop stigmatizing porn and let people enjoy what they enjoy, and use it as refs for art too!
I don't think it's specifically about the stigmatization of porn... Most of the stupid thoughts I've seen about using refs to draw at all is cheating 🥴 But yeah, as far as porn goes, there's even more of a problem here... ;(
Refs isn't cheating. That's why it's called a reference 🤣 it's a guideline and aid to help improve the drawings and help artists understand how anatomy works. That's also a stigma in art; you also can't improve if you're drawing off baseless knowledge of the body. So refs are great
meant to comment yesterday. but all my art i use references. pose, clothes, background. people who shit on others for using references are self conscious losers who just want to make others feel bad to make themself feel better
also nsfw is so complicated to draw sometimes that not using some form of reference is lowkey crazy and you have to be a next level artist to be able to do that on the regular
Yeah! I use references too, not always, but quite often. Sometimes I see the work of big artists and “oh, I know what ref they used, I've seen it”. And that's okay.
But Idk what I would think if I were the person in that 18+ video or pic...
Yep, and I love making those "collages" too. But what about taking and drawing poses and people completely as you see them in a video or photo?...
Oh, I see your point. Well, most of the time I just see videos/pics on random twt accs-galleries/bots where it doesn't have any links to the original... So... :') But yeah, you're probably right, there's nothing wrong with me if I just learning anatomy with it
Well. I shouldn't have read those stupid threads. Love it when the opinions of non-artists from the X dot com site ruin my day LMAO 😭👍
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Карочі тривожність як завжди на місці 👍👍👍
Yeah, it's a really stupid accusation, but I see it so often that it really scares me... 💀 Like, mb I'm the one who's not good at this?? lol /j
But Idk what I would think if I were the person in that 18+ video or pic...