Barney: Ho Ho Ho I'm huh huh hungry.... Santa, MY PEBBLES!! Fred: Your pebbles? Barney: Tis the season to be sharing, Fred. Fred: Happy Holidays, pal. Barney: Aww Fred. Announcer: POST Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles cereal part of this nutritious healthy breakfast ho ho ho ho ho.
Coca Cola's coming Coca Cola's coming Coca Cola's coming Coca Cola's coming Coca Cola's coming Coca Cola's coming tis the season lookout look around somerhing's coming coming to town coming to your town.
And also the mid 90s Coca Cola Christmas commercials. Click love if you do remember these commercials and that you're going to be drinking all of The Coca Cola and Eggnog on Earth and also eating all of The Chips Ahoy cookies.
Ahhhahahahaha this is actually one of my most favorite Christmas commercials, William and actually Douglas Walker, The Nostalgia Critic had really great points how can they celebrate Christmas if Christ isn't born yet, what're the origins of Neanderthal St. Nicholas, how the hell is Dino a singer?