I don't get a lot if AI images but I do get a lot of random crap from people and pages and I don't know. But it's the only place some of my friends are.
I remember when I joined Facebook. Woke up the next morning to hundreds of game invites (mostly to some farming thing or other). Now I'll harvest a moon with the best of 'em, but that was far too much for me. Deleted my account right away. Don't know how any of you survived those dark times.
I deleted my account. I wasn't even seeing friend's posts & just getting kept served ads & posts I didn't subscribe to. If I'd change the view, it'd revert. Social networking on that site is tertiary, it's now shovel shit down your gullet in the guise of building an ad filled echo chamber
Wrestling news is basically the same argument as two 1980s kids talking about video games in the playground.
This person heard from this person's dad's college roommate's sister's Christmas turkey salesman's vacuum cleaner that Mario sucks donkey dicks and SEGA have the video proof so are buying...
Just swap in who hates which boss and will never EVER work for them again, pretend that the hard cam side at a random show during football and a PPV are a fair comparison, and the same sort of kiddie nicknames for people on the opposite side and you have 90% of wrestling journalism.
I truly forget I have one... I occasionally post a picture of my boys... then visit it the next couple days to see what people have said about it... then I don't visit it until the next time I post a pic of them.
Or fake stories
Or just plain ole fake on that app.
Meta aren't gonna stop it anytime soon.
This person heard from this person's dad's college roommate's sister's Christmas turkey salesman's vacuum cleaner that Mario sucks donkey dicks and SEGA have the video proof so are buying...
Just swap in who hates which boss and will never EVER work for them again, pretend that the hard cam side at a random show during football and a PPV are a fair comparison, and the same sort of kiddie nicknames for people on the opposite side and you have 90% of wrestling journalism.
You know, how my teachers used to prepare our learning material using internet source they found interesting.
4/6 are AI images..
I wanted to give up.