“Oh, you just go with the flow? Thats cool!” They nod
“Its really difficult to stay on the same conversation for a while.. lets talk about anything then! Choose a random topic. And then let me know if you wanna talk about something else” a smile, A happy one!!
They focused on how Ray spoke about Mochi, finding it rather curious how they said it. They would do what they did best, and ignored everything else they said and proceeded to prod!
“Why did you say it like that? You sounded kinda unsure with yourself!”
“Mama isn’t another quicksilver, she’s a rancher! Mochi Miles, without her I wouldn’t have all this energy to run around with!”
“Mmmm, I can’t think of anything to tell you about! I’m not good at thinking of things to say, I usually just say things until they make sense!”
Mochi?! Miles?! The same Mochi Miles that smooched their cheek?!?
Oh man rays going after a mother and the child at the same time and playing a dangerous game…
They follow the other around a bit as they nod “oh, ive met her before.. shes quite the.. lady..” they blush —>
“Oh, you just go with the flow? Thats cool!” They nod
“Its really difficult to stay on the same conversation for a while.. lets talk about anything then! Choose a random topic. And then let me know if you wanna talk about something else” a smile, A happy one!!
“Why did you say it like that? You sounded kinda unsure with yourself!”
“Oh— just cause uh..”
Excuse-finder.Mp3 is active..
“I seen her on the beach. And it’s something i cant tell you cause youre like.. her kid— so..”
Perfect excuse. Nice job Ray. Now Daifuku will never know that Ray has the hots for Mochi and them>:3