I laughed a lot on this episode--the best way to get through a discussion on a middling album. I do hope you all realize that Westworld was a movie long before it was a TV series, and that Yul Brynner was one of the stars . . .
Interesting question to ask, if this is anyone’s favourite rem record. For me, Monster, LRP & Hi Fi. The last 3 songs on monster are incredible. Along with Kenneth, Crush w eyeliner and Strange Currencies
I really don't think so. I think Around the Sun is just a different style from other R.E.M. albums, not that it's lesser. It's not the style of the first albums that first drew me to the band, but it's a style that I like.
I was quite dismissive at first. It was very different. Also I hated how the liner notes booklet just fell out 😂
What drew me back in was the lyrics. So poetic and evocative on this album. The characters resonated.
Great listen, lads! I'd say that's a fair assessment of the weakest link in the R.E.M. chain! Chuckled when Adam introduced 'High Speed Train', and there was an audible laugh, as if to say 'There's nowt High Speed about this at all'! 😂
Apropos of nothing just me replying to an 18 day old post like a big weirdo (do you do a Biggest Weirdo Tier?). Anyway I've found if you sack off Wanderlust and The Worst Joke Ever and reorder the remaining tracks it makes a much more palatable album.
My least favourite though to get 20+ years into their career & produce their 1st weak album is good going. I don't have the same choices as yourselves; Leaving New York has never been a song that I've been too bothered with. So glad you kept the Radiohead/Creep bit in though!!
Late to reply. Yeah. Bummer hearing then, and now, though I like some songs well enough. But not one do I love. The album where I finally let go of identifying myself with them on. I knew I'd get the next one, but no longer emotionally wrapped up in it being good or not. Bittersweet. Inevitable.
In other late-2004-soft-guitar-album news, Weightlifting by Trashcan Sinatras is a gem - almost as quiet as Around the Sun at times but summons some feeling behind the music. The title track is sheer understated brilliance
'Let's hope the next song is energetic'
I Wanted to Be Wrong starts.
What drew me back in was the lyrics. So poetic and evocative on this album. The characters resonated.