You KNOW what's happening is WRONG.
Do you REALLY want our great nation to be aligned with Russia and North Korea?
Do you really want the millions of deaths to preserve our way of government to be utterly meaningless?
You KNOW what's happening is WRONG.
Do you REALLY want our great nation to be aligned with Russia and North Korea?
Do you really want the millions of deaths to preserve our way of government to be utterly meaningless?
Call them & tell them to impeach and remove Trump for committing treason. I did!
(202) 224 -
Risch -2752
Ricketts -4224
McCormick -6324
Daines -2651
Hagerty -4944
Barrasso -6441
Lee -5444
Paul -4343
Cruz -5922
Scott -5274
Curtis -5251
Cornyn -2934