marc ignores the fact that we aren't generally angry at Craigslist Craig, even though he helped kill newspapers, because he doesn't seem to have meant it and basically bounced after getting rich. No one hates Wozniak really. We hate you guys because you won't leave us alone.
Reposted from
Jake Grumbach
By “free speech” they meant “make it illegal to dislike me”
Dave Packard's heirs gave the world the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
He's very much what a normal, actual nerd would be like if they came into a lot of money, as opposed to sociopaths like Andreesen.
It's a low bar to clear but several have done it!
We need more MySpace Toms in the world.
They broke “the deal” first
He is such a thin skinned crybaby.
Apple could use a Hell of a lot more Other Steve these days
Once you think everyone else needs to smell your shit, people don't like you.
And I have some notes about who broke the deal on the pay taxes part.
Living proof that one need not be a bastard to win in the Silicon Valley Casino. Or after winning.
immediate green flag
with evil back in the day...
He sold his company and went back to partying.
Marc ignores this fact
Fuck Marc.
'Eric Baker of StubHub has described the site as a "potential gold mine of revenue if only it would abandon its communist manifesto."'
Fuck you Eric Baker, you absolute goblin.
it's nice
wish more of these guys would drop off the face of the earth like that