What is the most you're willing to spend:
1. At a con/event?
2. At one artist/vendor table/booth?
3. On a single item at an in-person event?
You can answer with adjustment for the upcoming financial landscape (states) or however you usually would!
1. At a con/event?
2. At one artist/vendor table/booth?
3. On a single item at an in-person event?
You can answer with adjustment for the upcoming financial landscape (states) or however you usually would!
Not including food
As an attendee, the last time I budgeted for AA it was $250 back in 2013, which is about $350 today. Last con I attended I spent ~$300.
1k ish (just on vendors/AA)
2. At one artist/vendor table/booth
Couple hundred bucks, especially at furcons
3. On a single item at an in-person event
I’ve yet to find an at con item that interests me & costs more than some sort of original art/commission. Soo like 6-700 bucks?
1.) $250
2.) it depends on the table, but $75-100
3.) $50-75, again, depends on what the item is
I don't think I've bought more than 80$ worth of stuff at one booth, though. Normally I spend around 20-30$ though
$25 for stickers, up to $250 for accessories
Depends on the single item, really.
2. I's highly dependent on what the vendor sells. I'll pay more for single clothings than lots of small knick-knacks like lanyards or stickers.
3. Even more dependent on the item.
2/3. Highly varies depending on items/artists. I tend to split between a few artists but am willing to drop it on one if the work/items speak to me
2. 100$ if I reeally like the artist or they have a big ticket item I like (see below)
3. 80$ for a big ticket item I likely cant get elsewhere (plush, bags, etc). my average for things I buy is usually 30$ or less tho
I don't really limit myself at a single table - if I really like everything, I'm buying it!
I tend to max out at about ~80 for a single item.
I hope to keep these numbers the same!
The other numbers just depend on what people are selling. I’m more willing to spend large numbers for clothing or originals, but it has to really speak to me
1. hundreds
2. maybe hundreds, usually $50 max
3. over $60 would make me think about it more but wouldn't be a hard stop
2. $150 (but realistically it's closer to $50)
3. $150 (spent this much once, on a woven cotton tapestry blanket)
2. If i rly fw the artists stuff i can spend like. 60-80 w em, maybe a lil more
3. Like 50-60 usually, could b higher if its a big item, but usually i buy a buncha medium-ish shit (pins, larger charms, pins, small prints, also pins) 🫡
2. $50, unless the artist has a very cool apparel item (I usually get one of these a year)
3. $100 for cool apparel, $30 for everything else.
Since tabling is so much more expensive than it used to be, I don't have as much $$$ to throw at other artists as I did a couple years ago. :(
2. $20-30, but this isn't a hard line.
3. If it's something I HAVE to have, no more than my $50-100 con budget.
2. Depends on the items offered
3. I would spend the entire budget if the item offered has enough of a reason for me to splurge for it.
1.) $50
2.) $50
3.) $30
2. Probs $150 at one booth (esp if they sell nice apparel)
3. $150
at one table it would range from 50-100 i think? depending on the items they gave
maybe max like 60/65 on one single item, especially like bags or apparel
I try to keep it at or around $100 at a con, if it all goes to one artist, fine! On one item, I try to keep it under $50.
2. No more than $60 but it needs to be something I reallyyyyy want
3. Still $60
at a single booth: $100 (or up to $200 for the exception below)
for a single item: $200 BUT only if i have already looked thru the rest of the vendor hall / artist alley so i know theres nothing else i want!
depends on the artist... if it's an artist i'm returning to, $30-40, if not, maybe like $5-15
again, depends, but typically $25-30!