I know but I always manage to mess up, somehow! Or forget to contact people. My therapist asks me every time how all my relationships with others are going 😅 I really struggled as a child too, are you also neurodivergent? It adds an extra layer of trickiness
I’ve been told I probably am but never been assessed. I’m the queen of messing up. I’m lucky that my friends I’ve made as an adult come from really supportive places (a 3rd sector workplace, fandom & friends of a disability rights activist)
So, this works for me and maybe you can give it a go. I put a reminder in my phone once a week (recurring on a Wednesday or Thursday) that says 'how about you phone a friend today? It has really helped me to just take a few minutes to call or text a friend. It might be silly but it works for me. 💕
It's something I've struggled with so much. I feel I still have a childish way of socialising, always wanting to talk and hang out and it doesn't fit in the adult world. I try but god do I fail 99% of the time
Moving away from my friend group was the hardest thing I have ever done and I have been through some shit. I would rather be stabbed again than be so far from my homies.
This is so true. For me personally I’ve also noticed that while I can be a social person (making friends not being difficult) I have lower tolerance for things I used to let go. I feel like there’s some correlation there
It gets worse as you get older. I have always been an introvert and don't trust easy so I am a poor example, but I have almost no friends outside of work anymore.
Being a postie has prepared me to deal with a lot of situations including how not to make a complete tit of yourself also very take yourself too seriously
I moved 3 times in my life to places where I didn't know a soul. It was exhausting that first year. When you grow up...you don't have to think about "how to make friends" there are just kids around...you play with them and then as you mature you become friends. It isn't a skill you think about.
Even my family is always like, “You never keep in touch.”
Yep, ADHD.
But I just accept it, now, and my role
Is to move in and out of people’s lives, bringing some fun and caring along.
It's Spiderman by the way