Growing up being bullied for everything that made me unique and my interests, I really withdrew into my shell a bit, and was scared to express myself.
I’m glad as I’ve grown older, I’ve started to care less, and those old wounds are healing.
It’s okay to be different, it’s okay to be me! 🖤
I’m glad as I’ve grown older, I’ve started to care less, and those old wounds are healing.
It’s okay to be different, it’s okay to be me! 🖤
I just mean you are so cool and pretty and great! I wanna be that and I can't be that yet unless I am outta here ._.
I was also made fun of for the same things that people compliment me on today. My hair, my smarts, my androgynous energy, and of course wanting to be femme.
Okay that last one some people still hate on me for but then they slide into my DMs and I'm like 🤨 there it is!
Don't let the losers tell you what to do
Be, no one else cause if you don't then who is going to"
I know I used to spend So. Much. Time. thinking about others and what they thought of me
Oh the spoons I wasted!
Even if there are a lot of people who don't get you , that is actually good because it makes it that more special when somebody DOES get you