I admit sometimes I forget to add warnings to things, but I have struggled with EDs for most of my adulthood so I understand that sometimes people don't always want to be subjected to that trigger, or they at least need to be warned so they know what to expect for when they do during recovery.
I don't want to enable someone's ED, but I also don't want to give someone so much anxiety that it scares them back into unhealthy behaviors. In exposure therapy, you don't start off in the deep end or expose someone to a trigger suddenly without warning or the coping tools they need.
I'm just such a slut for anything potato related, and kewpie mayo is the only acceptable form of mayo to me. Regular mayo just sucks in my opinion. My favorite part of an egg is the yolk, so it makes sense that I would only like kewpie, since it doesn't have the whites in it.
…is the day I realize “damn some people actually consider everyday things like food to be possibly triggering for some people”
As someone who may or may not have an eating disorder I’m both surprised and grateful lol