I've been fussy the last week too, Junior. I get it, bud.
#JuniorAndDad #ABDL #diapers
#JuniorAndDad #ABDL #diapers
Way to turn brains to mush on this one!
Your attention to detail is craaaazy, and the whole situation is just... can't even put it to words. Perfection? You win.
I'm sure that'll get drawn at some point, but I mostly think dad keeps Junior out of trouble through constant supervision, for now.
I blame you for my plushie kink by the way. That image of Tyler getting rutted by that tiger plush? Just. Yeah >\\\>
I was so devastated to learn I couldn't find a giant tiger plush to match. I really tried. Instead I got a massive yeen plush. Who maaay... Ahem.