Thanks. For such a great human,’s website is *really* awful to try reading. It’s like a bad 90’s Netscape webpage with so many ads and banners and ads. Just lots of ads. So many ads. It’s unreadable.
Cool. I didn’t realize that it was even possible via pi-hole to block ads from your whole home network. Looks *relatively* not too complicated. Thanks man. 👍
Then you also know us Jersey-born folk don’t take kindly to insults. But I’m in a good mood today, so I’ll let ya have another crack at being a decent and compassionate human, and not acting like the scourge of humanity we all left behind on Twitter. Up to you.
My reply was prompted by your own snarky comments. What can possibly be gained by disparaging George Takei's website? How is his website design relevant in the conversation? If you don't want smart ass replies, don't write to elicit them.
Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a vulgar twit in the cult.
I’ve got nothing but love for George. But his website feels antithetical to his loveliness. I’ll shoot him a private message too. I just feel like for the average visitor who wants to read all the great stuff he shares - it’s a bit of a sour experience. No need to attack me or where I’m from. ✌️
Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a vulgar twit in the cult.