I have all the grace in the world for latecomers, it's all hands.
I also know that folks who didn't give a shit until it hurt them ain't my fucking brethren; we can have a shared aim and walk together for as long as it lasts. I can be polite to a mercenary, knowing their rules.
They're not trusted
I also know that folks who didn't give a shit until it hurt them ain't my fucking brethren; we can have a shared aim and walk together for as long as it lasts. I can be polite to a mercenary, knowing their rules.
They're not trusted
There is an honor there, if they're willing to speak plain. I can work with that.
half of humans are below average and one must understand that we are only human. Sometimes shitty ones. But if it works...
It is all hands. Some asshole wants to join up? Good. Maybe we don't hand over the keys to the damn kingdom but an army doesn't run on pure intent, no tactician would pretend that's how to win.
LBJ signed the civil rights act of 1964 and nobody would say he wasn't a racist motherfucker.
Get the bill signed and fuck the actors.
Now there's an odd coupling, and it wasn't perfect, but bread was broken and agreements on info sharing were made.
And let me tell you, I wanted a gun.