No eastern Washington is MAGA country. They can stay behind. Everything west of the Cascade Crest goes with California or Canada. Maybe we can call it WEXIT - western exit.
Yes - eastern WA - we are not all MAGA. We'll need the hydro-electric power. Most people over here aren't wingnuts. Honest to god that is a fact. I do like WEXIT. Excellent.
I hate to generalize eastern WA but I drive thru there 2-3 times a year going to visit relatives in Montana and honestly all I see are tDump flags and “liberals get the hell out” and “open hunting season on Dems” signs and it’s pretty hard to think otherwise
As a new country you could do what you choose. Form an army, enact laws prohibiting right-wing MAGAt assholes, arrest and deport the ones you don’t want or throw them in the slam for life without parole.
Badabing badaboom.