What was the decision that made you move to Japan and did you ever feel some kind of self doubt about being there? Like did you feel like wouldn’t be able to make it work? 🥺
It was offered to me and I felt like I’d regret it later on if I didn’t do it. I don’t see myself living here forever but I want to stay here as long as I enjoy it. I didn’t have self doubts tbh, maybe cause I grew up in an immigrant household and saw that you can make anything work if you want
Ooh wow, I didn’t know you were offered to go live there! That awesome! I’m glad everything worked out! Everything you post as pictures of Japan or your art is always a delight to see! I hope everyday makes you feel welcome while you’re living there 🥹
Has it been difficult for you in terms of language barrier? My little sister worked as a English teacher in Japan for about 3 years and from the beginning it was kinda tough for her
Not so much in my day to day life (I work in an English speaking company), I speak/read enough to get by but it’s definitely more difficult with bureaucracy. Thankfully people here have been super nice and you can get by with translation apps in those situations, but I try to make more of an effort
In my experience it helps a ton to learn how things work on a cultural level and being able to understand the mindset and „way of things“ of people here, it’s almost more important than knowing the words imo haha