Correct. For those that feel like the “strategy” should be “targeted buying” to support the Black brands, they should be holding those brands accountable to lobbying Target to retract or do better.
So it isn’t just me. People are talking boycotts and then folks are coming with reasons it can’t work. We (collective we) definitely aren’t our ancestors.
I think what frustrated me the most is the message from The Doux (haircare brand at Target) stating that boycotts are not strategy and the best way to handle this is to clear the shelves by buying the product at Target.
At worst, Target is removing those brands. So buy what they have from Black brands and nothing else? I guess? And then once it’s all gone, stay away? I’m fuzzy on the details.
Not at all and it’s frustrating cause ppl weren’t willing to do the bare minimum to prolong democracy so I know they aren’t going to do what’s required to get us out of this mess.
They already know these brands make money otherwise they would’ve been nixed. So continuing to prove they make money is moot.