Damn nice. That's actually a good move but I think it would make more sense to make it an app every smart tv can access since it's streaming so it doesn't really require any specific hardware aside from maybe 5ghz wireless band support
Why would Xbox be standing in the way of that? The Switch has sold 150 million units, that's a lot of potential subscribers to Game Pass that Xbox would gladly take money from. It would stand to reason that Xbox would LOVE to put Game Pass Cloud Streaming on there.
Nintendo, however, probably wouldn't be happy if its users could pay for a third party service that potentially costs them sales from their own eShop if subscribers had access to certain games via said service, so it's WAY more likely that Nintendo is the one that doesn't want Xbox on Switch.
2-"Looks like a half-eatten sandwich"
1-"You're not going to believe this...."