The only one to blame is the people not paying attention to which channel they were watching on. NOA and NOE have their own separate YouTube channels. The dates are arranged in their correct region format.
Blame our MDY format! Most use DMY which I can understand. In the Japanese trailer, the date is 2025.4.2 (YMD format), also confirming that it's on April
The American way of doing date formats makes sense in the way that it lines up with the way that dates are commonly spoken. March 4th 2013, 3-4-13. And yes the 4th of July gets celebrated on July 4th
Why is the video game community the only one with this mindset? When an old movie re-plays at the cinema, the ticket prices are current day prices, not reduced because it’s an old movie.
Why would you want to pay more for anything that has been out for a long time? If there were actually good sales, I would’ve bought more games for my switch but as the prices are often the same, I refuse to buy anything. Sales allow people a chance to try something new that they wouldn’t usually.
A good game is always going to be a good game no matter when you buy it. So it doesn’t surprise me if the prices are the same specially if we’re still in the same generation.
But you can usually already stream it for free or as part of an already subscribed streaming service, AND you'll probably find the DVD or BD in a bargain bin at Costco.
Id also be upset if the games weren’t as good as they are.
Sure, it’s frustrating but at least you know you’re getting some high quality games (Pokémon games being the exception)
Sony and Microsoft discount their studios' games after a year or two. Most PC publishers do, too. Nintendo asks AAA New pricing on very old games.
Meanwhile, my Series X gets played nearly everyday. Why? Backwards compatibility, discounted games, and Gamepass.
Sure, it’s frustrating but at least you know you’re getting some high quality games (Pokémon games being the exception)