I want all fighting games to succeed but how many times has Anna been dlc? Also, I think it's really notable how this is one of the very few fighters still selling season passes without the roster being on display.
This is the second time Anna has been DLC, the first- and only other time being T7. She's been in every other home-release of Tekken except 4.
Also, the devs are actually aware of this. During todays Tekken talk, they explicitly asked fans to tell them if they would like all characters revealed.
Including me.
Honestly, if a pass doesn't have any character I am personally interested in, I instead get excited for the ones actually included. I'm not an Elena fan, but knowing that she's coming got that initial disappointment out of the way and now I can't wait to see how they do her.
Especially considering how everyone in 6 has been very tweaked so far. I generally agree on that. Not to mention, if it's anything like last year, when we get the last person in this season, we will also get the 3rd season announced in full. So if Elena is a miss, you have stuff coming.
And Tekken is kinda in the same boat. Their returning characters usually have some exciting refreshment going for them, even Heihachi. So they could absolutely just announce the whole package up front and live off of execution, like Capcom, NRS and now, hopefully, Arc Sys does.
SF6 gave the entire season
Granblue gave the entire season
Guilty Gear gave the entire season
Fatal Fury gave the entire season
NRS has been giving the entire season since injustice.
Tekken upset people in season 1 then doubled down.
No, Street Fighter 6 definitely told you who all the who all the season pass characters were off the bat. Strive started to do it with season 4, and Netherrealm has been doing it for a while.
Also, the devs are actually aware of this. During todays Tekken talk, they explicitly asked fans to tell them if they would like all characters revealed.
Honestly, if a pass doesn't have any character I am personally interested in, I instead get excited for the ones actually included. I'm not an Elena fan, but knowing that she's coming got that initial disappointment out of the way and now I can't wait to see how they do her.
And Tekken is kinda in the same boat. Their returning characters usually have some exciting refreshment going for them, even Heihachi. So they could absolutely just announce the whole package up front and live off of execution, like Capcom, NRS and now, hopefully, Arc Sys does.
Street fighter, strive, even smash did when it was out.
Sparking zero and rebirth of souls in arena fighters.
SF6 gave the entire season
Granblue gave the entire season
Guilty Gear gave the entire season
Fatal Fury gave the entire season
NRS has been giving the entire season since injustice.
Tekken upset people in season 1 then doubled down.
(Somewhat joking, lol)