I didn't hate it. Lilo and Stitch is my favorite 2D Disney film, and my expectations for this film are low. I am interested to see more, but still don't think it needed a live action remake. That being said, I like how they are diversifying the cast more and some of the updated story beats.
Now I know 99% of people are going to be split on this live-action adaptation of Lilo & Stitch I know most are definitely going to agree that the original animated one is better and I agree with that but I want to have hope that this live action adaptation will do somewhat well
I actually don’t hate it as much as I thought I would. Stitch’s design is good and still cute, granted he’s VERY small. But I am giving it a plus because Chris Sanders is voicing Stitch again, and that’s what was important to me. He created the character after all. He made the whole thing.
I'm not even watching the trailer for this soulless slop
F**k everyone involved with this tax write-off monstrosity.
Plus, I think Chris Sanders/Creator & VA of Stitch would make sure the film is good too.
Seriously, you would think that after making a movie called Soul, they would know what Soul is. But no, they follow Wish instead...
After viewing the trailer, I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT!!!
where is Jumba?
Also No.
It's like my brain just doesn't want to process this shit.....
then don't pay money for this.