It wasn't just Jews. Other groups rounded up by Hitler included: black people; people accused of disobedience, resistance, or partisan activity; gay and bisexual men; people with disabilities; political opponents and dissenters; and Roma and other people derogatorily labeled as “Gypsies”.
We’ve used it as a symbol of defiance from the 70’s onwards in the LGBTQIA+ community
Incredible human.
Isnt history fascinating?
More questions than answers
Tried to prove a heirarchy of human races.
Nazis assumed white Aryan were it, whilst Zionists stole a piece of that action by saying they were the Chosen Ones & wanting their homeland.
DNA research since proves we are all the freaking same.
They know he's a pathological liar but they don't care.
Somehow they've convinced themselves that he's lying about everything except the promise to keep them on the same side of the fence as him and the other billionaires.
I don't think they're anywhere near that point yet
There were over 1000 camps with varying purposes.
Work, Munitions, Death & disposal, Sex Slavery, Medical experiment..etc
We should NEVER allow this again!
YET? It keeps occurring! 😡