As a mother and grandmother, seeing this precious sick baby hurts to my very core. I protected my children and in turn they protected theirs... seeing babies and young children suffer needlessly at the whims of a few adults is unconscionable and abusive.
Parents who are subjecting their poor innocent kids to measles & other diseases like polio, should have their kids removed from them! If you are not going to do the best you can to protect your kids & YOU INTENTIONALLY make them NEEDLESSLY SUFFER, you shouldn't have them...period!!!
Poor babies.
I remember how happy I was that the chicken pox vaccine was developed before my kids were at the age where I would have had to infect them on purpose.
God gave us these miraculous vaccines.
except when the bumps land in the eye
*not mine
I remember how happy I was that the chicken pox vaccine was developed before my kids were at the age where I would have had to infect them on purpose.
God gave us these miraculous vaccines.