the sodbuster replied: “Well, I guess stranger, that’s about the kind of folks you’ll find around here.”
And the stranger had just about blended into the dusty gray cottonwoods becoming a clump on the horizon, when another newcomer drove up.
“What kind of folks live around here?” the stranger asked.
And the stranger had just about blended into the dusty gray cottonwoods becoming a clump on the horizon, when another newcomer drove up.
“What kind of folks live around here?” the stranger asked.
The friendly stranger said with a smile: “Well, there was mostly a decent, hardworking, law abiding, friendly lot of people.”
And again the sodbuster said, “Well, I guess stranger, that’s
And the second wagon moved off and blended with the dusty gray cottonwoods on the horizon while the early sodbuster leaned at his gatepost and tried to figure out why two days of hot winds smothered the life out of a nice stand of wheat.
Psychologists have demonstrated that our idea of reality is determined by our perception of things, the way our senses interpret things, rather than the way things really are. Edward T. Hall has written that the relationship between man and the cultural dimension is