These comics of yours are such a treat, especially because you can easily slide in derpy faces to characters not in the spotlight of a panel and you do it so well.
"spitting someone else's cum into your hand to then jerk off with after they're done fucking you" is one of those small kink details that I adore about your work~
Lmao fuckin same, bestie XD
Oral fixation stronger than the pull of the sun
the snout grab
or the bal/cock join nuzzle and ball lick
i think it will be the snout grab but I am going feral for this page
its a mystery to me, someone whose never read a story before
Amazing story telling at its finest!
But I believe in pussy.
this reveal is gonna be incredible
That's totally Juniper's dick
All that foreskin
And he's dripping already...
*Miiiiiighty need to service that thing*
Who is this God you may ask?...
Aren't we all, though? I mean there's a little bit of foxboy in all of us, right?
fly away peter, fly away paul 🍆🍆
This is where I heal my hurts."
You are the church, I am the steeple,
When we fuck, we're all God's people.
Baptized in cum
My kind of church 😼💋
Seriously, such a hot page, could things get any hotter?...
The cheek rub and all... fuck
And you continue to do the absolute best expressions
Honestly inspiring work to a goofball like me :3
need this as a bumper sticker
Need this on my bumper so bad
Aah, I love!!
Also, as said on telegram, I absolutely love that bottom panel it's so fucking funny