Absolute Putin puppet. Everything he's doing benefits no one but Putin and his "imperial Russia" cause. He's OWNED by PUTIN. Every single last inch of him and his life.
He’s a traitor. It’s very obvious the Krasnov story is true. He values his relationship with Putin above his duty to the US and the Constitution. His actions in the Oval Office today were a complete embarrassment. The fact that the GOP lined up with his suggests the twilight of the United States.
He is ruining the US! He's dismantling our government. Elon Musk is basically running it. He has no idea what he's doing! He's turning Europe against us! I wish I could move to Canada!
Trump does not represent the mainstream of American views toward Russia & Ukraine. Most Americans support Ukraine, appreciate Zelensky's leadership, despise the blood-drenched dictator Putin, and look forward to befriending Russia when it reclaims democracy and renounces the dreams of empire.
Puppetry and greed disguised as government. A total lack of respect for anything other than fragile ego and trickle-up economics. Misinformation and belligerence to perpetuate the vilification of lawful institutions. Gaslighting megalomania and the (actual) free world will push back.
In next 5 minutes, Trump may:
1 Start trade war
2 Say sentence with no known words
3 Declare war on close allie
4 Say he has "love affair" with psychopathic dictator
5 Crap his pants
6 Explain windmills cause cancer
7 Destroy more democracy
8 Say Arnold Palmer has big penis
9 Grab pussy or flag
Just tell trump to go fcuk himself
No more trade with America
Stop buying anything from America
All of it
trump is a complete and utter Ar$ehole
Utterly tawdry illiterate dip$hit ar$ehole
That's the trump vibe.
Move on.
He makes Neville Chamberlain look like Winston Churchill.
He makes Benedict Arnold look like George Washington.
Putin - I want all land I currently occupy to be recognized as Russia, so we can stage future attacks. And Ukraine can't join NATO or have US troops.
Trump - Okay. I want all mineral rights in Ukraine.
Putin - Deal
Can anyone name something bad Hitler did in 1933, where Trump is not currently attempting something similar?
1 Start trade war
2 Say sentence with no known words
3 Declare war on close allie
4 Say he has "love affair" with psychopathic dictator
5 Crap his pants
6 Explain windmills cause cancer
7 Destroy more democracy
8 Say Arnold Palmer has big penis
9 Grab pussy or flag