no the CDC pussies like the rest of these agencies that just caved to unlawful orders instead of waiting for the courts to say they were lawful they just folded up like origami in anticipation and self censured
Like creating new "specialists" without residencies in their field of practice. Then they dump unwanted patients who might have pain or complex disease (which could be a litigious threat to their income), on these unqualified scammers.
will forever wonder, how a country like ours so technologically advanced has so many stupid frickin people. I'm also dumbfounded how a country that freed itself from tyranny is now practicing it against its own people.
Playing short commercials during pro sports games and March Madness would be the most efficient way to find ignorant Americans.
Like creating new "specialists" without residencies in their field of practice. Then they dump unwanted patients who might have pain or complex disease (which could be a litigious threat to their income), on these unqualified scammers.
Why would this administration not want you to know this information ???
Please !