So like how do I start with game dev
I've started before but with ADHD its hard
I only know the most basic of basics of programming
so like I said earlier... h o w d o i s t a r t
I really like the "f**k around and find out" way of learning
if anyone has an answer it would be greatly appreciated!
I've started before but with ADHD its hard
I only know the most basic of basics of programming
so like I said earlier... h o w d o i s t a r t
I really like the "f**k around and find out" way of learning
if anyone has an answer it would be greatly appreciated!
1) Make a small list of game mechanics (try to pick small things that you find interesting)
2) Pick one of the game mechanics and look up videos/tutorials on how to make it
3) Implement it
4) Don’t try to turn that into a game. you are learning. move to the next one
Expect to be buried under documentation! You'll be reading lots.
Additionally, don't get too caught up with how stuff looks.
Start with a small idea! 2-3 months tops.
Unreal is the best engine for professional game dev, but its a nightmare to learn.
Easiest to learn: Gamemaker 2
Best 2D tools: Gamemaker 2
Best overall tooling: Unity
Best investment of time: Godot
Best 3d: Unreal Engine
Best industry use: Unreal Engine