📢A case study of time, testimony, law, atrocity, evidence & reliability.
Yesterday, after a Review Hearing in #Arusha, Judges ruled in the case of Gérard #Ntakirutimana
It got lost in the big #ICC news, but the #ICTR's Residual Mechanism is still the site of critical issues & discussions.
Yesterday, after a Review Hearing in #Arusha, Judges ruled in the case of Gérard #Ntakirutimana
It got lost in the big #ICC news, but the #ICTR's Residual Mechanism is still the site of critical issues & discussions.
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In 2003, the #ICTR convicted him of #genocide, and murder as a crime against humanity. He was sentenced to 25 years, but granted early release in 2014.
In domestic proceedings in #Canada (2012) & #UK (2013), HH stated that his testimony against Ntakirutimana was false.
1) HH's Story:
- HH said he testified falsely because as a Tutsi survivor he was angry.
- In 2011 he was falsely imprisoned for murder, and was alongside #Hutu against whom he had testified in #Gacaca courts.
2) Appeal Chamber View:
- HH did not recant his testimony re: Ntakirutimana immediately to 🇨🇦 authorities, even after his prison experience.
- HH affirmed he had testified truthfully against other #ICTR accused, "reflecting that he took his oath before the ICTR seriously at the relevant time".
- HH admitted receiving payments from Muhayimana & his wife - only after the prosecution confronted him with proof.