You can't be anti fascist and pro American government. You can't be anti communist and not be fascist. Party for Socialism and Liberation & Claudia de la cruz. Helped organize this. AIPAC doesn't own unlike the democrats and Republicans.
I get, frustration, but that shows weakness. Trump got you to react exactly the exactly the way he wanted. It actually rallies his base, watching us flailing around foaming at the mouth.
At this point, I almost feel like saying ignore and divest everything these blowholes do and find a private business that is doing anything to keep the people or the planet alive that doesn't require killing us/it to get there.
Unfortunately, Reddit threads are so funny that I can n'er look away.
Hated him since Day 2016. He and his followers are beyond deplorable (Hillary was too nice). It sickens me what he has done to this country and I fear what he has done cannot be fixed or forgiven.
I had enough him when I moved to nyc in the 90’s. He was despicable back then too. A misogynistic, too arrogant to realize his own stupidity, opportunistic, grifter and thief that has never changed. His first presidency was not on my bingo card, let alone the second.
Interestingly, the only Leader who stood up against Trump the last time the idiots elected him, and said exactly what she thought of him, was the Scottish FM, Nicola Sturgeon.
Guess Scots women recognise an arsehole when they see one! Eh, Boris! You too!
Yuppp always have.and had. Dk how anyone liked him in the first place 30+ yrs, prob longer. Lol ever since I knew of him..and inwas just a child.. and always have been a decent good judge of character. Not like it matters though lol 2 anyone besides me lol but it's honest and the truth.;)
I agree with the point of view but I disagree with your tactics. This breeds more hatred and violence. If you truly want a world of empathy, true equality, and freedom then you have to show it in your speech: decorum.
How do you get around this? Here in the UK a Prime Minister can be done away with (particularly notable that the last Tory Government was in power for 14 years/5 elections and had 5 leaders in that period, 3 of them in 2022)...
... But other than a change of representatives in the mid-terms, is there any democratic process to force him out, or are you (and the rest of the world) stuck with him for a full 4 years (hopefully only 4 years)
Donald Trump seems to think that bullying Canada or picking a fight with Canada makes him look good in front of his base, but his base is made up of people that are going to lose their jobs because of his antics! This rhetoric isn’t entertaining. It’s going to be disastrous for American jobs.
You can't be anti fascist and pro American government. You can't be anti communist and not be fascist. Party for Socialism and Liberation & Claudia de la cruz. Helped organize this. AIPAC doesn't own unlike the democrats and Republicans.
Unfortunately, Reddit threads are so funny that I can n'er look away.
whats wong with him???
You know he has something antibiotic resistant
Guess Scots women recognise an arsehole when they see one! Eh, Boris! You too!
He's been conning us for long time!
How about this fraudster?
He’s not answering calls nor holding town halls. Join us to demand his resignation!
He works for us and we demand to be heard.