Fucker wants to make his crypto scam our currency. He and his rich friends will make billions, and we will pay. Bastard figured out how to make non maga contribute to his welth.
Norinchukin Bank's Actions:
Norinchukin Bank, Japan's fifth-largest bank, is selling $63 billion of U.S. and European government bonds, but this is a bank-specific decision to fortify its balance sheet, not a government policy decision.
It’s very misleading. Japan is buying the selling to buy up the yen but not for the reason this says. The others are not from what I have read. If I’m wrong I hope someone can post where this information is from
It's almost as if it is all planned by some Machiavellian prince, but then you realize it is just a handful of greedy [expletives worthy of a Samuel L Jackson scene deleted] pigs.
Well, for the last 80 years the USA provided the security umbrella that allowed Europe to flourish. To put that into context that is almost 1/3 of the time the USA has existed. I’m an Atlanticist so I see this as a good thing.
Well, you did ask if people were aware of the last 1000 years of European history so I shared a perspective re: events of the last 80 years. Sorry if that offends you.
Norinchukin Bank, Japan's fifth-largest bank, is selling $63 billion of U.S. and European government bonds, but this is a bank-specific decision to fortify its balance sheet, not a government policy decision.
It's almost as if it is all planned by some Machiavellian prince, but then you realize it is just a handful of greedy [expletives worthy of a Samuel L Jackson scene deleted] pigs.