Anyone still up and want to test out a new random d100 table with me?
We're making robots.
Step 1: roll 1d4+1
Step 2: Take that result and roll that many d100 rolls
This will determine what your robot's randomize physical form is like.
We're making robots.
Step 1: roll 1d4+1
Step 2: Take that result and roll that many d100 rolls
This will determine what your robot's randomize physical form is like.
2, 36, 62, 12
Step 2: 87, 99, 12, 38
Step 2: 62, 61
Step 2: 20, 99, 64
Step 1: 3
Step 2: 04, 74, 11
That makes our robot have a body that doesn't need lungs, extra small limbs, and extended olfactory sensors.
Huh. That's a weird robot.
Step 1: 2
Step 2: 21 and 51
That makes our robot have 1d4 extra arms and a general dislike of wearing clothing. I rolled a 4 for the d4. So they have 6 arms and they're always naked.
Step 1: 5
Step 2: 20, 60, 03, 50, 23
That makes our robot have bioplastic skin, unnaturally short form, unnaturally tall form, symmetrical gripper hands, and they're solar powered.
They sounded like Twiki at first, but that short/tall bit sounds like they have extendable legs?
Step 2: 11, 73, 51, 62
Step 2- confuse others
Step 3 - 2
Step 4 - 72 47
Step 5 - ??
Step 6 - Profit!
Step 2: Realise I don't have any d100s on me
Step 3: Get d100s
Step 4: Mess up the roll
Step 5: Delete Post
Step 2 (Again): 29, 50, 48
I assume you'll tell me what my robot looks like 😅
Your robot is shiny, has symmetrical gripper hands, and night vision.
Step 2: 48, 100, 32, 100
Two 100s… wish I rolled this well during my campaign 🤠
4, 67, 77, 60
Your robot has night vision, hair, doesn't breathe or need air, has a big head, wheels (!), and is unnaturally short.
14, 38, 65
D100: 18 and 85
Step 2: 24, 61, 31, 60