this is a appreciation post because he’s an amazing person and i’ve got to know him a lot more lately, more personally
i’ve had tough convos with him where i got vulnerable and he did as well and i can’t express how much i appreciate his company ♡
ty for being my fren
i’ve had tough convos with him where i got vulnerable and he did as well and i can’t express how much i appreciate his company ♡
ty for being my fren
Ilysm bestie, you’re literally my favorite person, and I’m so glad I met you
You have been a huge rock for me(which is funny bc you’re smol)
Thank you for choosing to be my friend, and loving me despite my flaws💞💞🫶🫶
Bc I’ma do the same for you, we gon grow together💞🫶
I want this friendship to last, and I think we can make it happen