stay with me anyways,, kiri gets there and follows baku to his living room where he already has a tray full of flower n wraps out and ready to be assembled, kiri impressed drops his bag and starts pulling out his own set up, yes this man is a bong man and no one even knows!!
and he's like 'its sunday, we gotta go crazy'
and of course it devolves into them smoking together, bongs and personal blunts, lil kissy kiss here n there, oop is that kiri's pants gone and baku's hand pumping
(i wasnt gonna get horny but i did :)) maybe this is the start to my stoner bkkr agenda thats not writing itself like its supposed to)
So the stumbling and awkward boundaries as they try to fit into each other’s lives because more than anything that’s what they both want? *chef’s kiss*