"AO3 needs an algorithm!"
Babe, are you incapable of knowing what you like? Of taking a chance on fully tagged, rated and labelled stories? Do you only want to read what's popular with the masses? Not even bothering to learn tagging, search options etc. Demanding to be spoonfed curated content.
Babe, are you incapable of knowing what you like? Of taking a chance on fully tagged, rated and labelled stories? Do you only want to read what's popular with the masses? Not even bothering to learn tagging, search options etc. Demanding to be spoonfed curated content.
Can’t you even filter it by views to get the same popularity dial any algorithm would build in?
I understand the desire, like turning on an old TV, no decision energy required.
But that seems so odd for *reading* as such.
a platform for sharing a particular kind of written content. people write and read each other's writing.
asking for an algorithm means turn it into a feed and remove the "task" of browsing content.
like how feeds free us from reaching out to update with friends
It will either be piss poor, or take you to depths that will shatter you. And you won’t be able to look away.
And that's already an option anyway. Like. You CAN sort by Kudos/Hits. Personally not a fan of it because it's kinda a self-perpetuating system (what's already popular gets more popular) but it IS an option if you don't know what you like.