Labels ( are a cool feature of bluesky. There's a labeler out there that you can use to ID yourself as a fan of certain sports teams.
If you subscribe to this labeler, you'll be able to see the favored-team labels of other people who've opted in to certain labels.
If you subscribe to this labeler, you'll be able to see the favored-team labels of other people who've opted in to certain labels.
When you subscribe to the labeler, you'll see a huge list of teams, each with buttons for "off," "show badge," & "hide," with "show badge" selected by default.
If you wanted to, like, never be reminded that the Dodgers have fans out there, you could change the setting to "off" and you'd not see that label.
I know that when I first found this labeler a little while back I assumed I had to "hide" every label I didn't want to show up on my account, and I gave up on it...