Do you mean you're not in full support of what did that republican call it today? Restructuring. I've gone through restructuring and have never seen anything like this. I have worked for the federal government and never had to basically swear loyalty to whoever won the election. Just MAGA TV spin.
Maga deliberately ignore facts. Yesterday some troll told me the polls for trump are up. And I was like, bro, number go down = bad and they are going down fast for trump.
So sorry to infringe on your privacy,Its said that 'A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I saw yours,it was more than words could explain.The charming profile is irresistible,though a little personal message but your look tells alot about u kindly follow me
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Make America great again by higher inflation, higher unemployment, higher prices, more famers going bankrupts, less hospitals in rural areas, less federal services we need, increase in hunger and disease.
Don't be silly. He wasn't talking to you or me. He was talking to his billionaire bros. He's going to take what we've worked so hard for and give it to them.
What I've seen from people still on board is mostly "Don't worry, guys, this is all temporary. It's all part of the plan!". A few people saying stuff like "Buy stocks when they're low!". Good plans typically don't involve a time-frame where everything goes to shit, so the coping is at max.
Every day the mental gymnastics required to believe that he’s the bestest, smartest, and strongest ever, but also the biggest victim and can’t fulfill his promises because of the persecution, gets more and more impressive.
The Golden Age is F-45 speak for the Gilded Age. It was a time of robber barons, but Americans do not know our history. That said, the age of robber barons is front and present
We’re there. Google and META censor heavily. They were front and center during the inauguration. Mainstream media started the tilt to the left during the election and now they have fully capitulated. Most Americans are asleep and there are few outlets that can reach them to awaken the masses.
Trump & gang know exactly what they're doing. Much easier to rule a nation if you beat down one's spirit, take away one's job, take away health care, no vaccines, no relaxing national parks, instill fear & intimidation, hide all truth, gut national security, rig elections . . . WE WILL FIGHT BACK!
The whole idea is to destroy America from within. Courtesy of Putin's tool, trump. Kruschev declared back in 1960 "We will bury you!" as he slammed his shoe on the table. Now thanks to Donald Trump, unless Americans get some courage & stop this, the ole Russian drunk dream's will come true.
theyre actually deluded enough to think that all this is part of some grand master scheme cooked up by the smartest and most benevolent billionaires, that the pain is only preceding the glory. that everything will work out for them because it always just does, especially now our Best Guys are on it
They will be dying, from numerous causes because MAGA don't get that most of MAGA is poor, they are benefit dependent. POC, LGBTQ+, Veterans, women, elderly and the POOR are the targets to thin the population to working class servants for the white wealthy males. G'bye Snap, Medicaid, Medicare, SSA
"bgjokgddert yhbvccdx dxbgdscz!"
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MAGA and Nazism are the same ideology.
#SaveIntelligence 😉
No cheap eggs yet.
KGB has been grooming Trump since 1987, when he went to USSR and SUDDENLY became an outspoken tankie.
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To paradise with 72 virgins.
How did that work out for them?