Note *your* research implying democracy writ large is a factor of mob mentality...
Which sociologists are you quoting here? That modus of thinking was debunked nearly a century ago so - really - I would *love* to know where you're getting this from!
Which sociologists are you quoting here? That modus of thinking was debunked nearly a century ago so - really - I would *love* to know where you're getting this from!
I am not a moron. However, you are clearly uneducated. There are multiple factors involved w/the current situation & while radicalization (of MAGA) is a factor, "mob mentality" is not only an outmoded reference but does not clearly describe what happened in the last election cycle, Dude😱
But, dearheart, why are you So full of the Mad cuz I asked for references?
I believe that there was a Sh*tt0n of manipulation happening during this last election - most of it to corral the sheep in society that hate the rest.. but why so mad?
I am *literally* doing the research now - I am a sociology student w/a concentration in social justice and human rights
& you're accusing me of being a russian 🤣
Dudeface, I am *not* your enemy re the cause
I *am* judging you on your approach & lack of basic information... plus your hair trigger when it comes to attacking a potential ally
We need to work together now, get over yourself
Dude, I'm an agnostic... why you so mad?