Tough fight between Spongebob, Rocko, and Angry Beavers. They all scratch a similar itch for me but in very different ways where it’s difficult for me to pick one over the other. Ren & Stimpy and Fairly Oddparents are also high rankers for me but I wouldn’t say my favorites
Three way bloodbath between the likes of SpongeBob, Ren and Stimpy, and the Penguins of Madagascar (might have to include the Patrick Star Show too 'cause i loved the little i've seen of it)
I'm surprised how far I had to scroll for Danny Phantom! That show was amazing! Re-watching it as an adult, it's 10 times funnier. Also shoutout for the classic Spongebob episodes and Jimmy Neutron!
it was setting up some really cool shit before it got canceled at that cliffhanger
Rise of tmnt prrooooooobably cracks top 5 buuuuut not rn. Angry beavers also hype