The idea that England, or more broadly the UK, ‘doesn’t have the money’ is a fundamental neoliberal myth (lie). Monetary sovereign countries, such as the UK, Japan, USA and Australia, face no purely financial budget constraints. This is explained in detail in Stephanie Kelton’s
The idea that England, or more broadly the UK, ‘doesn’t have the money’ is a fundamental neoliberal myth (lie). Monetary sovereign countries, such as the UK, Japan, USA and Australia, face no purely financial budget constraints. This is explained in detail in Stephanie Kelton’s
… ‘The Deficit Myth’.
She provides an overview of this in her TED talk ‘The big myth of government deficits’ (14 October 2021) https://youtu.be/FATQ0Yf0Fhc?si=m4CPI1EIhDp9hOuK
A more detailed documentary, ‘Finding The Money’, provides more in-depth clarity: