Deindustrialisation angst grips Germany.
In a new study, Brad Setser and I unpack how badly Germany's trading relationship with China has backfired, and how its industry might weather the second China shock.
With terrific accompanying reporting in Handelsblatt/FT.
In a new study, Brad Setser and I unpack how badly Germany's trading relationship with China has backfired, and how its industry might weather the second China shock.
With terrific accompanying reporting in Handelsblatt/FT.
But measures - most of which are within the WTO rules - to level the playing field with China.
Germany also needs new markets. Bulldozing Mercosur through is a great move by UvdL.
So an effective strategy both for Washington and Berlin requires partners!
Germany just confirmed its two-year economic downturn, held back by the malaise in manufacturing, good for ~20% of GDP and 5.5M jobs. And China just clocked a $1tn annual trade surplus.
The two trends are clearly interrelated.
China’s macro-imbalances now directly impinge on German interests.
In the '10s China's real estate sector absorbed excess savings but...
The result: a (pretty violent) turn back toward export-led growth.
German (and EA) exports lagged, and German exports in capital and durable goods shrank.
But in some ways the sectoral data tell the story more compellingly.
China was not a net exporter of vehicles in '20. It now exports 5 million more vehicles than it imports. The comparable number for Germany: 1.2m, down by half from peak.
While global trade in greentech is rapidly expanding, China is curbing its imports (dotted red) even as its exports (red) soar.
(geeky me thinks 'tis a good novel chart)