About bloody time‼️The statement is way past due, but why didn’t @columbiauniversity.bsky.social show up for Mahmoud Khalil when he asked for help knowing his arrest was imminent❓ @columbiajournalism.bsky.social isn’t the 1A the bedrock of your existence❓What do you tell prospective students now❓
I didn't see anything that might highlight their administration's role in all of this. This feels a lot like when you allow Susan Collins to vote against the nominee when you already have the votes. Meaningless
I seem to remember this whole mess started with the Right’s demand for free speech - we just weren’t told that it was only for their speech to be crammed down our throats and OURS TO BE SILENCED. At least they’re out in the open now
School can’t even protect it’s students. Hell the school rats out students to the Feds