Like most professional transphobes in so called Australia, one of the weirdos platformed by the ABC tonight actually got her media start as an ‘anti-halal’ bigoted piece of shit and has just been going where the grift is
I feel it’s important to mention that
And why solidarity is important
I feel it’s important to mention that
And why solidarity is important
And it’s to our greatest shame we didn’t punch enough fascists during that awful period to have stopped it then and there
They will *always* go looking for targets
They will not stop on their own
After there was no more money creating a moral panic about halal foods, guess where she went after?
She campaigned against marriage equality
We need to not keep repeating the mistake that these people have a ‘rationale’ basis for their bigotry
We need to not keep repeating the mistake that anything less than community defence is complicity