Lan Qiren closed his eyes, grabbed his nose with his thumb and pointer finger, and breathed slowly.
"Mister Jiang, is there a reason why you're trying to climb my tree?"
Jiang Cheng, one of the students of his school, gave a rueful smile, and tried to act as if he wasn't holding into a
Lan Qiren closed his eyes, grabbed his nose with his thumb and pointer finger, and breathed slowly.
"Mister Jiang, is there a reason why you're trying to climb my tree?"
Jiang Cheng, one of the students of his school, gave a rueful smile, and tried to act as if he wasn't holding into a
"I saw a cat?"
Lan Qiren sighed loudly again.
"Let's try this again, mister Jiang. Are you here for Lan Huan or Lan Zhan?"
"Lan Huan, sir."
"Good. Are you leaving or trying to enter?"
"Entering, sir."
"Good, you can climb down and enter through the door."
"You're a good student, an honest man, for the most part, and from a good family, my nephew couldn't do better."
He offered a smile to the young man who had climbed down and was heading to the back door.
"And between us, better you than your brother."
Jiang Cheng stopped, the door
"You might want to check the other tree."
When Lan Qiren turned around, he saw Wei Ying in the same position that the young Jiang had been earlier.
"So... I'm here for, Lan Zhan, can I also use the door?"
"No, and I'm calling the police!"
Poor Wei Ying, in the good news he was leaving 🤣🤣