Don't people have any agency? Why do they have to be junkies, why can't they drown their sorrows in cheap alcohol and pot like NORMAL people? You can make these at home. Sustainable addiction = sustainable planet.
Is that a rhetorical question? Watch a few episodes of Intervention. Although, to be fair, I also think people should have more self-control and the will to change, but I am also addicted to sugar, which I can't
But you can, if you want it bad enough. Nobody's putting a gun to your head and ordering you to eat sugar. You have choices. You can at least try less harmful alternatives, like Stevia (weird but I got used to it). Likewise, addicts can choose a less-bad option. Brain works enough to do crime, so...
Every person has *some* measure of self-control. If you can organize getting drugs, your brain works. If someone truly has zero self-control, what exactly makes them a *person*? Versus an animal (which we euthanize when irreparably sick).
I'm not a psychologist nor a person who has been an addict or near addicts, so I can't speak intelligently on the nuances as to why people *choose* addiction or what got them there or why they won't try to improve. But I don't think they should be euthanized for being addicts either.
I donβt think youβll be stealing copper lines, vintage handrails, and lightpoles for a sugar high.
I donβt think itβs a bad stance, though. I watched my sister struggle with addiction for 7 years, she finally got clean when I was 22. No, you donβt shame addicts, but you donβt enable them either.
People rob liquor stores for the money to go buy drugs, not for the liquor. People who are struggling with addiction are aware that their life sucks and they will do anything to escape the reality of it, hence the cycle of addiction. But many don't seek help, so idk...
Sugar may be a bad analogy, but I am trying to be objective to the plight of people experiencing addiction. I live in a city full of junkies. They have broken into my car twice. They have used my stoop to shoot up and nap. It's not great...
Don't forget the mausoleum doors from various cemeteries in Philly. Valued over 10K a piece, weighing in at more than 200 pounds a piece. See North Cedar Hill Cemetery and many more throughout the area. We know they're white dudes because our black friends don't do crap like this. #FamilyPlot
This fits with my point earlier. If someone can carry out complicated schemes to feed their addiction, they have enough brainpower and self-control to work on themselves. I don't think it's a choice to become an addict, but it's clearly a choice to stay and *level up* as one.
Oh! I didn't know that. That's some cold shit. It's like when someone cut a chunk of heavy metal railing off of City Hall and everyone was like, "How?!"
I donβt think itβs a bad stance, though. I watched my sister struggle with addiction for 7 years, she finally got clean when I was 22. No, you donβt shame addicts, but you donβt enable them either.
If I was an alcoholic, I'd learn to make moonshine in my bathtub, like the first rebels against the US government. Not rob liquor stores.